How do I share my team page?

Get support from family and friends

Alam Song avatar
Written by Alam Song
Updated over a week ago

We all know the saying: 'Sharing is Caring'. So go ahead, share your team page with friends and family, and ask them to shop or donate! Their purchases will help you earn additional earnings. 

Here's how to share your team's page link:

  1. To start, click on your team name on the top l left corner of your home page. Next, under your Team Settings, click on the Share team page tab.

2. Next, simply copy your team page link and share it with friends and family. Don't worry, supporters who want to help by making a donation don't need to join your team. They can shop and contribute the earnings as a donation to your team, or simply make a cash donation too.

Remember to Invite Players to join your Team

If you're the Team Captain and need instructions on how to invite Players to join your team, click here. Once you've shared your page, be sure to link your supporters to this article to maximize their shopping efforts.

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